Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Bookish Goals

It is the beginning of a new year and I'm ready to set some challenges for myself book-wise. There are a lot of books coming out in 2015 that I'm really excited about. And there are also a lot of books still on my TBR shelf that I need to get through. So many books, so little time!

1. Goodreads 150 books challenge

In 2014, I attempted the 100 books reading challenge and I managed to surpass it and read 105 books. I didn't really have much of an issue with it even with my reading slump in the middle of the year. So this year, I'm going to get myself a higher benchmark of 150 books and see what I can do.

2. Read 10 classics

I'm going to re-attempt this challenge again. Having failed quite badly at this challenge last year, I'm determined to succeed this year.

3. Read 5 award-winning novels

I want to read at least 5 novels that have won either the Pulitzer, Man Booker or Nobel Prize for Literature.

4. Blog consistently

My first year of blogging has seen some ups and downs in terms of content release. I hope that in 2015, I can blog a bit more consistently and I hope I can blog at least one book review a week.

5. Beautify my blog

I want to learn a bit more about html, blog design and photoshop so that I can actually create things for my blog and make it pretty.

So yes, these are my bookish goals for this year. Looking at the number 150 is already giving me palpitations. But a non-challenging challenge kind of defeats the purpose, right? :D

Until next time!


  1. any 10 classics on your mind? 1984 perhaps? or you are more of Jane Austen?

  2. I always want to set a goal of how many books to read, but I am afraid I would worry more about getting books read just to beat that number, then actually enjoying the books.
    I think it is a great goal to read more classics I cant wait to see which ones you decide on
    Blogging more is for sure on my list. I agree my first year has had its ups and downs, and I am really hoping that I can do better in the new year
    Good luck with all your goals =)
    Bloglovin follower

  3. Great goals! I did a lot of googling to brush up on HTML and learn the bit of CSS to get my blog looking spiffy. Photoshop isn't that difficult; just requires some patience! And if you can't afford Photoshop, check out Gimp.

    Good luck!!

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  4. Last year I made the goal to read 12 classics, and completely surpassed it! Good luck on your goal for that, there are some AMAZING classics out there! Good luck on reading 150 books also!
    Happy New Year :-)

    Em @
