Friday, March 20, 2015

Feature Follow Friday: Book Character Inspirations

Feature Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee Alison Can Read. It's a way for bloggers and readers alike to make some new friends and gain some new followers as well. The point of this hop is to follow other bloggers. I follow you, you follow me.

Also, this week's featured blogger is Captain Swan Bookishhh & TeenBookHootsso make sure you check them out too!

While I do prefer GFC and/or Bloglovin follows, if you would like to follow me via email/twitter etc, that's great too! Also, please leave a comment so I can follow you back!

This Week's Question:

Have you ever been inspired by a book character to do something? Who was the character and what was it? ~Suggested by Eternity Through Pages
I can't think of any solid examples of being inspired to go forth and do any particular activities. However, I have often been inspired by book character's philosophies or way of thinking to rethink about my own life and/or situations. Most recently, whilst in the middle of reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater, I'm inspired by Blue and Adam's contrasting attitudes towards their poorer economic circumstances compared to the rest of their friends. I love Adam's determination to strike it out as his own by working various jobs. I admire Blue's acknowledge of her own social circumstances and at the same time, not feel inferior because of it. And I can see the flaws in Adam's steadfast refusal for any help even if I can understand the reasoning behind his stubbornness. 

Does any of that even make sense?


  1. That's cool! I couldn't even think of something like that either. Though I am sure it's happened! There have just been sooooo many reads to try to think back on! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. That sounds great! I didn't think about that! Old follower!

    Lizzie @

  3. I should read that book. I think it would strike a cord with me and my circumstances.

    Old follower.

    My FF:

  4. I have heard great things about that book! :)
    I tagged you in the Random Question post.
    Here is my post if you'd like:

    Old follower

  5. I drew a complete blank when it came to thinking about one particular character so went with genre instead.

    Regular follower x

    My FF

  6. I love characters that inspire you to fight through your circumstances, no matter what they are. Good answer. New follower via GFC.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress

  7. I try to take something away from each book. Obviously some are easier than others. I have found a lot of inspiration from the few Mitch Albom novels I have read. Something else that I have recently started doing has been keeping a quote book. So, whenever I find a quote while I'm reading or just going through my day I will write it down in the book. You never know when a quote will come in handy!

    New Follower on Bloglovin :)
    A Book Lover's Corner
